miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007


1. What is the text about?
The text talk about of the interesting and wonderful world of Harry Potter. The Harry Potter books are the best in the world because the people have got on to them.

2. Do we know how many books were sold at midnight the day it was published?
No, we know how many books were sold in US: 12 million.

3. Who is Amanda Craig?
She is an author and a book critic.

4. How is "fantasy" described?
That's a type of fiction featuring imaginary worlds and magical events.

5. Which two things explain the popularity of the book?
One is that in every book JK Rowling is sort of writing a detective story or a thriller, and there’s where adults have got on to the whole series, and the other more interesting thing is she’s actually made the magical world seem real, seem something you could just walk into off Tottenham Court Road, and by doing that she’s also correspondingly made reality more magical.

6. Why JK Rowling books make wonderful films?
Because she’s probably most respected for encouraging so many millions of young people to read fiction. She’s made them interested in it; she’s ‘turned them on to’ reading. And so now, reading is ‘cooler’ – it’s much more fashionable than it was. She’s stopped reading from being ‘killed off’ by computer games and she’s ‘paved the way’, she’s prepared the way, for another great children’s writer! Try to catch his name.

7. Why is JKR more respected?
Because she encourag so many millions of young people to read fiction.
8. Who is Phillip Pullman?
He is a great children writer.

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